
Usability and User Interface Design

We've been focused on software and user experience design for the last 12 years, and it remains core to our business today. All of our UX and UI designers are experienced in user interface, interaction and visual design and understand the technologies that power the user experiences they are designing. Our design process has been refined over the last decade to provide our customers with a flexible, streamlined process to designing software products - we tackle each project using a custom tailored approach and clear communication with all stakeholders to take an idea from a concept to a final, development-ready design.

UX / UI breakthroughs don't just happen

You discover them

DotPhase can help your organization discover, create and realize a multi-channel user experience vision.

Market leaders realize user experience breakthroughs can set them far ahead of the competition. And delivering pleasant, productive experiences for customers, employees, suppliers and business partners is expected. Our teams conduct in-depth user research - the kind that uncovers the value systems and emotional aspects of decision making, not just documenting user behavior and needs.

With a deep understanding of your users, we translate user research into compelling personas and user profiles, clarify the most important tasks and scenarios, and map the multi-channel vision in powerful journey maps - providing your team with a fluent understanding of customer experience interactions.

A research-based user experience strategy generates engagement and excitement around the view of the customer - the first step to achieving breakthroughs in user experience.

Elevate and mature your customer experience strategy.

Agile UX / UI isn't just an approach

It's a mindset

DotPhase adds agility to UX design-keeping pace with dynamic customers and agile development teams.

DotPhase was founded on the principle that design and technology must work in tandem to create exceptional user experiences. Today, this couldn't be more accurate given the speed-to-market and proliferation of devices that are providing business users with more options for productivity as well as consumers better ways to interact and engage with companies' brands. Add to the mix an increasing number of agile development teams that are responsible for implementing applications and products with speed and precision.

Our expert user experience architects and visual designers have extensive experience with traditional user-centered design best practices - from tackling the most complex transactional challenges to creating simple, easy-to-use mobile solutions. We leverage this experience and have adapted our approach-adding agility to UX design, and ultimately changing the way UX is done.

Add UX / UI value to accelerate time to value and

Reduce implementation risk

An agile process alone does not guarantee success. Development teams are responsible not only for delivering products and applications with speed and precision, but ensuring they provide a great user experience.

Our experienced team of technologists work closely with user experience architects and visual designers-adding UX value throughout the agile development process. We leverage best-of-breed and proven technologies and frameworks to incrementally deliver functionality-enabling you to see it as it evolves. Our approach reduces delivery risk and has enabled DotPhase to achieve a very high on-time delivery rate for our clients

We use the latest user interface and back-end technology standards, including:

  • Java: JSPs, Struts, Spring, Java Applets, Swing
  • Front-end: HTML5, JS, jQuery, YUI, Backbone, RequireJS, Bootstrap, Sencha Touch
  • Portals: Liferay Portal, SharePoint, IBM WebSphere, and Oracle WebLogic
  • Microsoft: ASP.NET framework, SharePoint, Silverlight, Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF)
  • Database: SQL Server, Oracle, Sybase, MySQL
  • ALM frameworks: Rally, VersionOne

DotPhase optimizes the implementation process to deliver robust Internet, intranet, extranet and mobile solutions in reduced timeframes while delivering exceptional user experiences.